
Risk Management

When considering Risk Management it is of course critical to identify and evaluate risk and then develop improvements to help eradicate or as far as possible, reduce such risks.  We know and understand that proposals need to directly involve the client in their planning as any risk improvement that is not workable for the business, is no solution at all.

In addition to making use of our own capabilities we also work closely with our affiliate company 4sight and also with a range of Insurance Companies to provide you with extensive experience and workable proposals.

4sight Risk Management

4sight was formed in recognition of the fact that risk identification and management comes before risk transfer options can be considered. 4Sight works for insurers and brokers as well as clients directly. A range of services are provided, including Due Diligence, Business Continuity Planning, Fire and Security Protection, IT Security and Health and Safety. Specialist risk services such as environmental liability, product guarantee, product recall and motor fleet management are also facilitated.
Our Risk managers work for clients both in the UK and overseas.